Vocal Coaching
One thing that can make or break a presentation is the voice of the speaker. If a speaker has a terrible voice, people are likely going to tune them out. This is where vocal training can come in handy. If you are not happy with your voice, get yourself a vocal coach. They will help you to learn how to use your voice as a tool that has loads of impact.
Three Points
Most people can only retain a small amount of new information at a time, so keep your presentation to three main points. Go into detail about each point, then give a conclusion that restates each point so the audience will remember them.
Be Engaging
To really give a great presentation, you need to find ways to get the audience involved. There are all kinds of ways that you can do this. You can ask questions, get people to come up and help you demonstrate, or even get people to perform silly stunts. This is going to make them feel like they are part of the presentation.
Keep It Simple
One of the most important things to remember when creating a presentation is to keep it simple. This goes back to the three points tip. You don’t need to go into great detail about things, as long as you are delivering the important information for the three points. If things get too complicated, you are going to lose the attention of your audience.
Use Visuals
If your presentation is nothing but text and bullet points, you are going to bore your audience to tears. Make it more exciting with visuals. You can use graphics, photos, and animation. Adding animation is easy when you use Powtoon, and it makes your presentation a lot more fun.
The more prepared you are, the better your presentation is going to be. Make sure that you practice the entire presentation a few times, both by yourself and in front of others to get feedback that will help to make the presentation even better. Tell your practice audience not to sugarcoat things and to let you know what needs to be changed.
Show Your Personality
You need to add your personality to a presentation to make it exciting. If you are just standing there, reciting the words, the lack of energy is going to rub off on the crowd and you will lose them.
Move Around
Part of showing some personality involves moving around as you are speaking. Make small gestures, walk across the stage, walk into the audience, etc. Movement is going to help the audience to be more engaged with you.
Be Honest
If you are just telling your audience things that you don’t really believe, they will be able to tell that. You will lose your credibility and your audience. Be honest - even if the truth hurts.
Talk To Them
Instead of lecturing your audience, talk to them like you are having an actual conversation. If you are simply lecturing them, it is going to get boring pretty quickly, and your presentation will not have its intended effect.
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